Friday, May 1, 2009

Helloooooo darkness!

Me? I'm feeling random. People who know me, yes, I can be SO's not even funny :-) But then...after I'm random? and it's not funny? We always burst out laughing anyway...just because it was so random, it wasn't funny. Make sense? *rambles*

SEE! I told you I was random. I'm not really this strange in life...hopefully. I hope I don't scare my readers :-)

Title: "Hellooooo Darkness!" Meaning: it's 11:23. It's late. It's dark outside (SURPRISE!! lol) I am so brilliant, are I not? Joey's reading this and looking strange.

My main point in posting at 11:...24? To have at least one post that's after 10? Ooooh yes, after that, my life is totally complete! *laughs uncontrollably* HAHAHAH *fades* No. I've made a list (I love to make lists) of things to blog about. Aren't I brilliant? ^.^

This *evening's* post shall be....*drum roll please* bdbdbddrrrrrrrrr

"Random Things that Not a Lot of People Know About Grace Sapp. Even Her Best Friends"

Sound interesting?

Now, if you know me...I prob can't think of *everything* that's so random, that not everyone knows about me *right now* so...I might add on later, lol.

Ooooo, I know. I'll use that awesome little list tool. So, we can see how many random things they are. Cause it *numbers* them for you! How awesome is that!

(Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm so random. )

  1. I'm currently hyper right now.
  2. I HATE CHEESE (this is kinda widely known, but I *always* list this, no matter what*
  3. I used to be not-so-fond of knitting (*everyone gasps*)
  4. I only have 1 grandparent currently.
  5. at one point in my life, I had hair past my waist.
  6. most of my scars are from roller blading in water. (I wouldn't advise's not fun)
  7. except 2 of the scars aren't from roller blading, one is from a table from a hotel (WHY do hotel people make tables with *super sharp* edges?) and a swimming pool ladder that had a weird edge.
  8. I have taken Latin all my life...pretty much. Well, from like 2nd grade on. (Like, Latina not online.)
  10. 96 boxes of Crayons make me all warm, and fuzzy inside.
  11. My first cat. I named him Suggles. I was such a creative child, no? Jeff, my older brother, *changed* his name. To. FRED. -_-
  12. I have 2 fortunes (as in from the cookies) taped onto my moniter that say: 1) "Learning is a treasure that accompanies us everywhere" and 2) "Relax and enjoy yourself"
  13. I have a talking (yes, talking) Aflac (yes, Aflac) Duck sitting on my desk.
  14. I'm sitting next to 4 Latin charts of conjugation verbs, and case endings that are pinned up on the wall (people might have seen these before, lol)
  15. When I was younger, I HATED Skittlez. I grew out of that...until recently, when I broke a bracket (off of my braces) by eating one. Now, I hate them again, lol.
  16. When I was younger, I was so shy, I hated to go up to a person at a restaurant and ask for a refill. One of my siblings always did it, lol. same thing with ordering food...or talking to any strange person. Thankfully, I grew out of that.
  17. One of the first *real* plays I was in, was the Little Princess, where I played Ram Dass. Never eat powdered chocolate...unless it has sugar of some sort in it, otherwise, DON'T. I also wore a turban...which was fun.
  18. I love change...not all change, but certain kinds of change (like, rearranging a room, or something)
  19. I'm currently drinking a Root Beer. (I typed that Root Bear, btw)
  20. I'm wondering if anyone is getting boring, or people are getting scared that I'm so strange.
    Though the fact that I say I'm strange...some people find this debatable, compared to themselves.
  21. I LOVE to name things. Especially people...I have a lot of people who have nicknames. Ooooh yes. *laughs*
  22. Some of my favorite words. (People who don't know this, it shall always be a mystery to you all. Don't even try to decipher these riddles. It'll hurt your mind) My favorite word: *ahem* Junebug. Squiggle. Churchill. Hatstand. Cupcake. Uh...Iggplant. And, Elmo :-)
  23. Is anyone thinking that I seriously have a problem?
  25. Oh, another obvious fact. If I can't dance, I die. Therefore, I dance all the time. Even while getting water out of the fridge. Folding laundry, tis true.
  26. I love the stars.
  27. I love my friends. All my friends. Dude, you guys are the best :-) Thanks for listening to my ramblings
And, a quick note. Before I leave. Seeing that it's 11:43, and I must go to bed at 12.

I have *almost* reached 200 views on my profile :-) And, getting at least 4 comments on my posts. THANK YOU peoples who are viewing my profile, and commenting!!!!

Comment it
A) You were entertained, and laughed
B) You laughed, but were seriously creeped out.
C) Had a sudden urge to the Posties
D) Walk away, saying that you have no idea who I am, for the reason that I'm insane.
or E) all of the above :-)

Or, if none of those. Comment anyway, with a reason that you came up with...

also, tell me what you'd like me ramble about! Just nothing religious, or political. I know this limits some people's ideas then...but...then nevermind for those peoples, lol., my hands are crammping. I typed that...without stopping. Except to drink my Root Bear.

Valete Omnes!
Grace }|{


Bre said...

lol! That's funny :D And you know what? I have a scar on my leg from a Pizza Hut booth. A big black one. It's...not the best looking. lol So, you're not the only one with a scar from a restaurant :D

Grace B. said...

Alas, I have no restaurant scars. =) I love coloring too! I do it at restaurants with my younger siblings' coloring pages...people start staring and walk waaaay around me. lol

Kaley Grace said...


Grace, I love you :)

*dying very very much so* I am seriously laughing OUT loud right now!! Man, that was seriously amazingly awesome (which is like the best compliment ever :D) I want to see you SO SO SO bad.

*is still laughing*

*really wants to dance*

*hops in the car and drives to see Grace, and brings Haley along*

Oh, and btw, I vote A) and C) ! :D

Kaley Grace said...

Ramble about whatevah you like. It's always great!

Ellie Degenhart said...

Ha! Too funny!! I dance when getting water out of the fridge AND when folding clothes.....come to think about it, it *is* kinda