Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hum de Gum

Don't you hate it when you have a bad case of allergies...then it turns into a cold?

This is summmerrrr....alas, there shouldn't be any hints of colds during the summer. It's just not right.


Today I have a ballet rehearsal from 4 to 8. Yaaaaay! I'm not exactly sure what we'll be in dances. I think most of it will be acting with everyone. Then...I bet also the finale with the "Adult Class". Annnnd....perhaps the different dances. Ooooh, I know. I bet we'll go through the whole thing *with* the dances. About costumes, I dunno. It'd be sweet, but I doubt it.

This is just the first week of rehearsals. Next week shall also be included, but I'm not sure if it'll long? Or whatever. Something of the sort anyways.

My knitting life is slow. I knit those 10 1/2 inches on Veronique. Put it on waste yarn, seamed the the sides together. What's left? Now, I have to pick up the stuff from the waste yarn, and the provisonal cast on on SIZE 10 and 1/2! >.<.

If you don't understand why exactly this would be annoying? Think about it.

It was knit on SIZE 8s. So, the little stitches, and their loop-y thingers are going to be big enough for size 8s but that's it...or lower than 8, but not higher. You guys know this.

So, now imagine trying to cram on stitches that can only fit a size 8 onto a size 10 and 1/2 needle. It's torture.


Haleymay said...

Sorry you have a cold, dear...they're not fun. At all. Ick.

Oh man! Putting small stitches on bigger needles is one of the worst things for a knitter to do. It's torture.

Love you, dearie!

Bre said...

Hey! I had that happen just a couple weeks ago! Nasty allergies, then bam. A sinus infection. But that's worse than a cold, in my opinion.

Hope you feel better soon!