Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm here!

Just...busy. Isn't everyone?

Um. The wonders of a cold have been ruling my life for the past couple of days. Thankfully, I'm finally starting to get over it. Having a cold + 8 hours of rehearsal/an actual lesson = major major tiredness. I'm assuming many of you peoples can relate. Not going to an 8 hour ballet rehearsal/lesson...Waaaaaait.....

Waaaaaaaaait. Did I say 8? I think I might mean four....ummmm...yeah, it was four. Soooorrry! I, heh, just woke up....good morning!

I just took a Facebook Quiz. "Which Disney/Pixar person blah blah blah" (are you most like, btw). Who'd I get??


I feel so special. She's my favvvvvvorite. Now. I was going to write a story...about something funny I saw. At the mall, or something. Oooh, there was one...and another one...and...I think that's it.

Ok. Now I shall relate...tell....uh...whatever...Settle down now! *a group of toddlers settle down all sticky, and with a cup of goldfish*

Let's see....

We went shopping for some shirts for my mom...on...Saturday. Went in, found some stuff, she went to try it on, I sat while she came out and modeled for me. Thankfully, I had my knitting. The great thing about socks, you can bring them anywhere! So, anyway. I was sitting there, knitting, waiting for my mom...when this other guy comes in wanting to try on this shirt. There wasn't any like person back in the fitting rooms to give people rooms when they come. So, this guy starts like, knocking on doors and opening them. None of the doors he knocked on...they...didn't say anything? No one said anything. So, he opened them. 2 of them had people in them. Lol. It was hilarious to watch...the 2nd one was kinda funny...he opened, a guy was like..."Dude!" and he was like.."sorry...uuuuh...whoops" and shut it. This guy also wanted to get away as fast as possible, so didn't shut the door all the way. These open if you don't shut them all the way, so it started opening again, lol. So the opening-doors guy came back and closed it again...not all the way. So he had to come back for a 3rd time to shut it. Lol.

2nd. At the parking lot at Wal-Mart. The Wal-Mart that we're near super duper creepy. We don't go there often, thankfully. But, it's the BEST place to go and watch people, lol. So mom and I were sitting in the car (just sitting in the car is awesome too. You don't even have to go inside! Major score, lol) and this young couple came by with this big load of stuff...but without a cart. They. Were lost. Lol. So, they had this bunch of stuff, and couldn't find their car...*is redundent* *wants to make things clear* *but ends up being redundent and not making things clear anyway* *epic fail* I feel so special. Anyway. So, then the girl is like "Brilliant!!" takes her keys, or his keys, I dunno. And lifts her arm all the way up in the air and starts clicking buttons. While she was doing this, and a car alarm was going off, this old man was walking in front of them very strange looks. Because also, the girl was very amused with herself. Go figure. I, would not be amused with pressing buttons and make a car alarm go off. This couple noticed the old man...they laughed, and said "Hi, lol, we lost our car". The old man hurried inside quickly. The couple were amused...surprised?

Anyway. I hope this was amusing.

OH! Quick, before I leave. I FINISHED MY VERIONQUE. For those of you who have not, or did not, see my Gmail status thinger. NOW. I shall go back to work on my Clatpotis...which I'm almost done with now...then..onto a new knitting project..which I already have the yarn and pattern for, lol.

Life is happy when your knitting life is succesful and victrious. This is a fact.


sirlagan said...

what is a "VERIONQUE" and a "Clatpotis"?

RainyDayDreamer said...

Knitting projects, lol.

Pictures shall soon come of Veronique. My goal of the evening is to finish Clapotis...cause we have Lord Peter Wimsy to watch :-D :-D

Kaley Grace said...

Cooooool!! LOL, love the stories. Ewww, 4 hours? Fun :P