Monday, May 4, 2009

Major Sadness. *sigh*

You know when you've worked on something so hard, and it's just perfect? And then, you find out you didn't do something right, and had to undo everything, and start over? I hate it when that happens.

I got a new knitting project. Heh. We, uh, went to the knitting store, on Saturday, to get more yarn for my Clapotis. Alas, they did not have my color way...this is EXTREME sadness in a knitter's eyes. When you're in the middle of a project, or almost done, and they don't have more of your yarn? It's devistation, lol. Anyway, so my mom said I could get another project :-) I had my eye, on this French Girl pattern, in their new book (see pictures below) and so, I was like, hey, let's do this. So, I get the yarn, come home, figure out the needles, get all set up...tea, long movie, my mom's ready, it's perfect. I cast on* (see Knitting Terms below for non-knitters) 111 stitches, with my normal cast on, and begin working. All together, I worked maybe like 2 and 1/2 or 3 hours on it. Got maybe 3 inches done. Not then, lol. That was spaced out, of course, lol. The yarn, it's a fingering weight, I think, so it takes awhile to knit, plus I'm knitting with only size 8 needles, so that's also a hindrence to my knitting speed. Ok, so, last night, we settle down again. I decide to check the pattern, to see how exactly long I need this back thing. This is what I read. "Cast on, using provisional+ cast on". If you glance up there, notice I cast on, with my *normal* cast on. Not provisional cast on. So...guess what that meant? I had to rip back** all my hard work. Start at the beginning, with casting on those 111 stitches. This is one of my extreme stupidity moments. Why had I not read the pattern more carefully before??? *sigh* Another bad thing, the yarn I'm using? It's like..fluffy...and has a lot of extra "fuzz" to it. So, once you knit it, all those little fuzzies cling together, making it extra hard to rip back. Extreme annoyance, as you can imagine.

Knitting terms -
*cast on - meaning like, making all those stitches, and putting them on the needle, so you're ready to start.
**rip back - back, lol. Take everything out. All of it. Or, to a certain point in some cases.
+provisional cast on - it's a special cast on, where you have live (meaning, they're available to be picked up, and started worked with) stitches sitting there, waiting for something to be added on to it.

La Picture ~ Veronique. Don't ask me were they get the names for these patterns, lol.

Here's the yarn I'm using. Annnd, guess what I just found out? It's name? Grace :-)Our knitting store, one of it's owners made Veronique in this was soooo pretty. I made Katie's Christmas present with this same stuff, but it was silver, with a little shine to it. That, was like...a shall/jacket type thing with a lace pattern. Some of you peoples might have seen it.

What do you peoples think?


Grace B. said...

Aw, I'm sorry. That happens to my sister occasionally, and then no one gets any peace. =)

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol, thanks. I've been doing it a lot recently, which really stinks. My mom has this knitting calender, and one day it was...

"Think about it. Once you finish a intricate lace, or cabled scarf, you hold it in your hands and think how long it took you. But then you think about how in only a few moments, if you pull a little thread, it'll all be gone."

Lol, the story of my knitting life.

Kaley Grace said...

Oh my goodness, that's terrible!!! It's SO SO SO frustrating...I never even feel like working on it again lol.
But, the new pattern is *amazing*!! I LOVE the yarn!! It looks like spider lace or something lol!

RainyDayDreamer said...

Lol, exactly! That's what it kinda looks like when it's knit up...a spiderweb...except it's pink, lol.