Sunday, May 3, 2009

Random Facts that Not Everyone, not even my best friends, know about Grace Sapp -- Part Duos

  1. I LOVE HUMMUS. I could live off of's *that* good. Especially with chips, and carrots.
  2. I can play...the piano, violin, dulcimer, mandolin (that's pretty obvious though, cause of the violin) and...tin whistle.
  3. I am friends with both of my old piano teachers from Ponca, on Facebook...when I found them, I was kinda weirded out.
  4. I currently use 2 different iPods.
  5. I'm the kind of person who *has* to have something that's organized. Otherwise, I die. Or, if there's nothing that is organized, I fix it so it is, lol.
  6. I have been told I laugh too much. In answer to their statement, I laugh, lol.
  7. I DON'T WANT TO DRIVE. AT ALL. If you don't believe me, come to Houston. Sit in rush hour, *then* you'll believe me.
  8. The Phantom of the Opera movie makes my skin crawl with the singing skillz of those people. It's like a big fat zero. Plus, how they ruined the story...but that's typical of every movie knock-off of a book
  9. Mr. Darcy vs. Mr. Thornton? Mr.Thornton ALL THE WAY. Peoples, this is North and South vs. Pride and Prejudice...the A&E one.
  10. I love pens. More then pencils. If I had a choice, I'd use a pen.
  11. Smackers are da bomb. I have a little box full of them that I've collected/saved.
  12. Kirby is da bomb. Especially the pink one. Original colors of the little person thinger, are like the best.
  13. I'm saving for a Apple Laptop...whatever they're called. A white one. With a webcam built's going to be AWESOME.
Ok....that's enough for now. I'll think of more later :-)

Bye peoples!!
Grace }|{


Kaley Grace said...

:) You make me laugh :) A lot :)

Hmmm, a North and South fan, eh? I haven't actually watched it, but according to Haley and Molly it's very depressing and everybody dies :) But obviously some people like it...I'll have to watch it sometime!!

RainyDayDreamer said...

It's depressing? It's kinda, but not a whole lot, lol, not like Dickens. There are like...4 people who die, I think.

And I'm glad I make you laugh :-D