Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Works of Clapotis

Ok, the colors didn't turn out as bright as I'd like...but it makes sense cause I took them on my mom's iPhone. Oh well. So, anyway. It's these colors, but brighter. And more green. Yep. So yeah...

You knit knit knit...then do a thing that you're normally taught *not* to do...or try to avoid. Drop stitches. It was super fun, lol.

The largeness of it all. Now, it's bigger.
It mushed together...that way it looks like ribbing instead of dropped stitches.
And the Clapotis its self, and it's ball of yarn. Here, I hadn't un-raveled all the stitches yet, so that's that kinda...blank spot there.


Bre said...

Sweet! Love the yarn!

sirlagan said...

what's it supposed to be?

Kaley Grace said...

Cool cool!! Your Mom has an iphone? That's SWEET :)

RainyDayDreamer said...

Bre - Thanks! Me too, when I saw it, I was like "YES!!!" lol.

Caleb - Uh...a shawl type thing. It's super sweet.

Kaley - Yep! She got it for...her birthday last year or something...:-D