Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy First day of ADVENT!

Yes. Christmas. is nearly CRUSHING us. It's that close. oooh yes. But this makes me happy. I love being crushed by Christmas, of all things (along with other happy holidays, like Thanksgiving, birthdays, New Years, Easter...etc etc.)

But yes. If I HAD to choose. Which holiday. Christmas would TOTALLY be my pick.

Christmas holds...many many things. Things that aren't normally "Christmasy" everyone's book. Um. There's normal things ish. lol. partying. cleaning. and um...deep cleaning?

Let me define "Deep Cleaning". In my house. This means ripping apart your room, cleaning, throwing away, giving away, putting away. things like that.

When I was younger. Deep cleaning only happened in the summer. Seeing as then we had the most time. But now looking back? I'm now thinking that I had WAAAAY more time THEN then I do NOW. Hm. "Funny how that works, aint it?" (I JUST FIGURED OUT WHERE THAT'S FROM! HAHAHAHAHA. I've been quoting that a lot lately. and I couldn't remember where it was from. lol. It's from...*drumroll* Pirates of the Caribbean! Jack is eating an apple when he says this.) Wow, side track.

ANYWAY. Also when I was young. I majorly enjoyed stuffing things under and behind my bed. I made the excuse that, "Hey, I have a bunk bed...things fall down easily. " such as cats. And yes. Um. Yes. actually, many cats have fallen down behind my bed. It's just sad. *shakes head* THIS WAS NOT OF MY OWN DOING. All of you know that I would NEVER EVER EVER do a thing like a cat. Especially my baby squishy little angel. *ahem* Bertie. *gets the kitty-kitties* Duuuude, SIDE TRACK. Or dide I just typed. Um. where was I?

BEHIND AND UNDER MY BED. YES. Ok. So yes. I told to clean up my room. And I'd solve this hard, and labor full task by shoving everything under my bed. or "dropping" things behind my bed. Please don't imagine what under my bed was like. It wasn't pleasant.

Anyway. Every time deep cleaning rolled around, I would crawl underneath my bed, pulling everything out as I went. Which made a huge pile on my floor. This job, of going under the bed had a special name. it was called...

"Going to the core."

Feel free to laugh. Um. yes. As in the core of the earth. Um. Yes. Yeeeep....

Anyway, I'm doing that now (how many times have I said "anyway"? This means I get side tracked waaay too easily.)

ANYWAY, lol. I'm deep cleaning.

That's a picture. Of my floor. That's a mix of stuff closet, one shelving/bookcase behind my bed...thing, and things I use on a regular basis.

I love deep cleaning (I used to hate it...going to the core was a horrible trial for me.) it reminds me of how many awesome friends I have (I just found all these pictures from the first few Little Parlor plays...Oooh my goodness we were all TINY.) and it's like a free Christmas, almost. I found so many things that I had forgotten about, thought I didn't even have (which I was just TOTALLY redundant...hahahahahahahahahaha), and things...that I Lost. I guess.

Like, this ring that my uncle and aunt gave me. When I was uber uber little, cause I remember wearing this ring on my pointer. And it fit really nice.'ll only fit on my pinky.

Yep. That's it.

Oh, and memory lane has been my most frequent stop lately. Found all my old dress up clothes. My old costumes from my first ballet recital here in Houston (Silkworms FTW! Yes, I was a silkworm. A neon pink silkworm. Bask in the glory of neon pink silkworms. loooool.)

Yep. And this turned out to be longer than I expected. Yessssss

Happy First Sunday of Advent!!


Ellie Degenhart said...

Oh! I love Christmas SO much!! So glad its here.

When I was little my brothers use to tease me by saying that there were little things that lived under my bed because it was so messy. They even named this little creatures. They had WAY too much time on their hands.
Now I'm just better about hiding all the stuff under my bed :P

K said...

soooo, yeah I found your blog from Caleb, so now I'm here to enjoy. I love it, and even if I didn't I would have to because you love knitting, and I LOVE to knit and crochet. :-D Me, knitting, sewing, and crocheting, are like this. *crosses fingers* :-)
~Lady Amy musing in her attic full of fabric and yarn. :-)