Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #7 - Out of 14

Who/What am I thankful for today?

All my teachers...every single one of them. But to be specific right now, mesa ballet teacher. Also known as Miss Sunny. (Don't ask me why we call her "miss", she is married. For some reason....everyone over the age of 12 or something is referred to as "Miss What'sherbucket".)

Talk about an influence on my life? Miss Sunny, I mean. Not being called "Miss Grace" all the time, lol. She's one of the sweetest people I know. Oooh my goodness. I can't understand how *anyone* can not like her, disobey her (someone did in class today...I felt horrible about it even though it wasn't me..heh heh.) or be disrespectful to her. (see disobey).

Without her...I wouldn't be able to do the splits today. I wouldn't be on pointe. I wouldn't be perusing my dream of dancing of some sort later in life.

Now, I can do those things. And more. Like learn dances from....Copellia. and Sleeping Beauty. Who would have thought?

My first class. I went. Knew absolutely nothing....all the steps they were doing. I felt like the huge ugly duckling in class. Miss Sunny was uber uber nice. The class ended. I got in the car. Burst into tears. And being asked why in the world I was crying. I responded "They were so nice!"

Wouldn't be able to do that either. Nope. 2 and 1/2-3ish years ago, I would have scoffed...180 degrees? Me? You're insane. But I did it!

All to Miss Sunny.

I <3 Miss Sunny!!!


Kaley Grace said...

I hear by dub you flexi-woman :)


Bre said...

you need to have your mom tape you dancing or something....I want to see you dancing :)

Kaley Grace said...

Heeey Stranger!!
I gave you a blog award!! Sooo, go check it out, you awesome blogger you :)