Friday, January 8, 2010

Thank you for your wonderful comments. I feel so loved.

Let's see. What can I talk about.

Right now Bertie is on a catnip high...and running wildly over the house. His collar jingling majorly. Jeeves is being a fat lard ball and sitting on a pillow in front of the fire. I am his little "buddy" and sitting with him...cause of his...I think everyone knows about his "problems", lol. He is very content right now.

I am currently loving the fact that it IS Friday. That YES I did survive the first week back into school. This morning, because the lack of sleep for the past 2 days, my most wonderful mother let me sleep in till 9. Which is amazing, for a school day. I'm really happy that I could sleep that long. Cause you know how getting up at 7 all the time, when you actually have the chance to sleep in, you still wake up at 7? I hate that. Especially when you need the sleep. This, thankfully was not the case.

We had record weather last night, and most of today. It hasn't been this old since...1996. Amazing, huh? Last night, I think it was supposed to be 25. I don't know if it actually got down to 25, because I was basking in the chance to snuggle up in pile of blankets. And trying to sleep. That too. Currently, it is 32 degrees. We are all freezing. Today the high is going to be 36. The low tonight will be 22. The whole of Houston is sending out articles about (seriously, this is really true)


"Layer up, and wear hats!"

Seriously. Do Houston people really not know how to dress their children warmly? That's insane.

This is the time of year where Bertie demands to only spend 5 minutes out side at the max. He hates the cold. We have to force him outside, and then he sits there at the door the whole time with his ears completely flat. The little weenier.

I must go now. Yes, I must go.

Now wasn't that


Bre said...

lol got down to 17 here last night, we were supposed to get snow. And it's only 36 here now. lol We're all freezing too, and we came from Michigan, which has been 0!


as for the dressing children warmly...*dies laughing* That makes me laugh, that they even have to INSTRUCT parents how to do that. WEIRD. lol

Grace B. said...

You lucky's like, ten below here. =( Me no likee. Dress dem childs warm. lol

Kaley Grace said...

You ARE loved, you too cute person you.
Friday's are glorious things, aren't they?

OH MY GOODNESS. lol!! That is extrememly hilarious...about the dressing kids. teehee.