Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wheehee. Me again. Um.

I forgot to mention that for some reason...recording our piano on my computer really alters the sound quality of the piano. So, no our piano sounds a lot better than it does in these videos.



Thanks for listening!

Drat. I just realized that Blogger won't let you do more than 2 videos if you're uploading them. Ick

Well. This is. me. obviously. And....obviously I mess up. Which is also obvious in any normal or learning pianist. Obviously, I love the word obvious.

I <3 Jim Brickman...he's sweet. He can't sing. But he's amazing.

See above for another song.

"I fall asleeeeeeep...counting myyyy blesssssingsssss."

Poor peoples. Poooor pooor people who my blog readers. I have deprived you of my blogness...and left you...bored....

*cough* rather people are excited that I've stopped writing so they don't have to listen to my rambles *cough*

Lol. yes.

This really is bad of me...I was planning on doing a lot..for Advent or something. And here I am, the 19th of December. And my last post...was sometime at the beginning of December, lol. I fail.

Uuuuhhmmmm...what I can tell you that well more or less bring you up to speed on my life.

I. Am. Breathing. *gasp* Oooh my goodness.

No, not that. Well. not that I'm NOT breathing...I am. last time I checked, lol. But. *thinks* *Pooh moment*

We...went to the Messiah last night. Before I give my observations on people. I must explain my great passion for the Theater District of Downtown Houston.

*closes eyes in pure bliss* It's's like....well. EVERYTHING is connected together. Somehow...some way. What. is wrong. scratch that. All the parking lots that are underground are connected, lol. Downtown Houston has a lot of old special buildings. That. well. they give *me* the shivers. Along with music and dance did you know that I have a passion for history? Yes, I do. Now you know. So, all these old buildings that...look like their old with like decorations from who-knows-when all over it. But then, there are all these other modern know, all made of glass. The kind that if you were a window cleaner it would be a huge pain to clean one of those...seeing that every piece of glass is a window. Fail. Ish.

Distracted. Where was I...OH. the coolness of Downtown the Theater District. *aaaaahhh*

Knowing that all the parking lots are connected, this must mean that the Jones Hall, Wortham Center, Alley Theater, and many more are relatively close together. Yes, this is true. The tunnels that lead you to the various different places (see list above) all of them are lined with posters of upcoming performances. So you see all these cool things..then get to the place you're trying to get to. Go in...and then, you're like in some amazing building. And that's...not including going in and finding your seats. Doing that.....makes me really want to do something that's part of that. Not...finding our seats. No, I don't want to be an would be horribly interesting, but not for me. Doing that makes me really want to do something with the visual art...that's connected with all that...down there. Especially dancing. I mean...doing that anywhere sounds soooo me. The Wortham Center (That's where...the ballets, musicals, and operas are. Symphony wise, they're all in Jones Hall. Oh, and people like...Garrison Keeler (Yes, that's not how you spell his name, I know I know.) (Yes, we did go and see him) and Hayley Westenra. And...I'm not sure where the Celtic Woman people were. I think they were in the Wortham...) Random. Anyway..the Wortham Center.....*blank look* Uuuuuuhhhh...I just forgot what I was going to say about it. Oh, it's just so original, I know.

Loooohooong. Sorry about that. Let's just say going down there for anything and everything motivates me to want to do something down there. Wow. I could have said that. And....left you without that awesome ramble. But, I like my rambles. So I'll keep it.


Ok. for starters. I did not like the Bass-Baratone. Or the Mezzo-Soprano. They were just kinda weird. The Bass-Baratone was waaaay to small for that part. He looked like he was in college. And he failed at really...moving people when he sang. So. Fail. the Mezzo-Soprano. Was really weird. first of all. she was barefoot. Which is relatively cool. Second, she tried to act. Which was just wrong. Peoples, this is an oratory. (here comes my music history classes..heehee) No acting. And she was like...really...getting into it. At the end of one of her ended on "Fire" after a rather...angry/harsh line. And like, on the ending note of the orchestra she slammed her book really "add effect". But, on a good note. (if you find this a pun, no I did not mean it...and yeah.) the Soprano and the Tenor were amazing. the soprano was this old lady...with gray hair. and uberly sparkly earrings on. Lol, speaking of her. The mezzo-soprano was wearing this really flashy dress. and this huge coat..and scarf (it was apparently really cold for her..) and the soprano was wearing this black dress thing with this nice aqua tunic thing over it. So I was like "Ahhh. That's nice...that since she's old ish...she's not like over doing it..." When she went to go sit down after her first song, I saw this huge slit on the side of her dress...which was like holy cow! And yeah. That...was the first time I have used that in actually using that term not in just saying it to make some comment about it. The conductor....he was awesome. ...wazzum. That. is SO my new word. Wazzum. Oooh yes. meaning...awesome. Wheeeee. Um. yeah, he was wazzum. His hair. was. really. um...puffy? And he was In his...conducting, lol. So, jumping, waving, hopping, etc, etc. Which. made his hair. wiggle. Lol. So, from the back, it looked HILARIOUS whenever he any of the above. When he came out the first time, it was nice and smooth...ish. Well, as smooth as it could get. Then by the kinda looked like he had just rolled out of bed, lol.

There were SEVERAL people around us who were doing the following through out the whole performance.
giving a loud commentary to the person next to them
all of the above.

The conducting part was really funny to watch...most of the people I saw used only one hand...but there was this one kid in front of Joey...and a little to the left, who was like using both hands. and almost imitating the conductor.

And. Yeah. Saw several creepy kids. As in guys who's moto in life are "I am going to dye my hair black/dark brown, even though I'm uber pale enough already...but I wanted to accent my skin color." or, "I love growing my hair so long that from a distance people will have to ask themselves "Is that a girl or a guy walking towards me?"" It was usually both. Those people are really creepy. It's like Zac Efron. We just don't go there.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Friday, December 4, 2009

*bursts out in song*


Is the dude with the mohawk Beyondly amazing? You REALLY REALLY REALLY need to hear anything of his stuff. Search jmham1 on YouTube. I suggest Music in the Night. Oh my goodness. Can you say the most PERFECT PHANTOM EVER. That's his goal. To be a Phantom on Broadway. Seriously.

Ok. That had NOTHING to do with the song. But mostly with the guy.

am I the only one who didn't know that the Secret Garden was also a musical..? on Broadway? Like...a while ago? And the music is AMAZING? Cause, I didn't. And apparently, it's really famous or something. Learn something new every day.

I was looking in jmham1's videos. found this. and was amazed. I looked up some other songs from the Secret Garden, and found another amazing song. By these really amazing people.

drat. no embedding allowed. Anyway. go here

So yeah. I keep finding all these musicals that I had no idea...were so good. and yeah. I love musicals. And would love to be in one..of some sort. and what would be AWESOME? if it was a musical...and had dancing in it to. Which. most do. so scratch that last idea, lol.


"Toooooomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya! Tomorrow! It's only a daaaaaaaay....aaaaaaawaaaaaaaay!"

Yep. That would be me :-)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy First day of ADVENT!

Yes. Christmas. is nearly CRUSHING us. It's that close. oooh yes. But this makes me happy. I love being crushed by Christmas, of all things (along with other happy holidays, like Thanksgiving, birthdays, New Years, Easter...etc etc.)

But yes. If I HAD to choose. Which holiday. Christmas would TOTALLY be my pick.

Christmas holds...many many things. Things that aren't normally "Christmasy" everyone's book. Um. There's normal things ish. lol. partying. cleaning. and um...deep cleaning?

Let me define "Deep Cleaning". In my house. This means ripping apart your room, cleaning, throwing away, giving away, putting away. things like that.

When I was younger. Deep cleaning only happened in the summer. Seeing as then we had the most time. But now looking back? I'm now thinking that I had WAAAAY more time THEN then I do NOW. Hm. "Funny how that works, aint it?" (I JUST FIGURED OUT WHERE THAT'S FROM! HAHAHAHAHA. I've been quoting that a lot lately. and I couldn't remember where it was from. lol. It's from...*drumroll* Pirates of the Caribbean! Jack is eating an apple when he says this.) Wow, side track.

ANYWAY. Also when I was young. I majorly enjoyed stuffing things under and behind my bed. I made the excuse that, "Hey, I have a bunk bed...things fall down easily. " such as cats. And yes. Um. Yes. actually, many cats have fallen down behind my bed. It's just sad. *shakes head* THIS WAS NOT OF MY OWN DOING. All of you know that I would NEVER EVER EVER do a thing like a cat. Especially my baby squishy little angel. *ahem* Bertie. *gets the kitty-kitties* Duuuude, SIDE TRACK. Or dide I just typed. Um. where was I?

BEHIND AND UNDER MY BED. YES. Ok. So yes. I told to clean up my room. And I'd solve this hard, and labor full task by shoving everything under my bed. or "dropping" things behind my bed. Please don't imagine what under my bed was like. It wasn't pleasant.

Anyway. Every time deep cleaning rolled around, I would crawl underneath my bed, pulling everything out as I went. Which made a huge pile on my floor. This job, of going under the bed had a special name. it was called...

"Going to the core."

Feel free to laugh. Um. yes. As in the core of the earth. Um. Yes. Yeeeep....

Anyway, I'm doing that now (how many times have I said "anyway"? This means I get side tracked waaay too easily.)

ANYWAY, lol. I'm deep cleaning.

That's a picture. Of my floor. That's a mix of stuff closet, one shelving/bookcase behind my bed...thing, and things I use on a regular basis.

I love deep cleaning (I used to hate it...going to the core was a horrible trial for me.) it reminds me of how many awesome friends I have (I just found all these pictures from the first few Little Parlor plays...Oooh my goodness we were all TINY.) and it's like a free Christmas, almost. I found so many things that I had forgotten about, thought I didn't even have (which I was just TOTALLY redundant...hahahahahahahahahaha), and things...that I Lost. I guess.

Like, this ring that my uncle and aunt gave me. When I was uber uber little, cause I remember wearing this ring on my pointer. And it fit really nice.'ll only fit on my pinky.

Yep. That's it.

Oh, and memory lane has been my most frequent stop lately. Found all my old dress up clothes. My old costumes from my first ballet recital here in Houston (Silkworms FTW! Yes, I was a silkworm. A neon pink silkworm. Bask in the glory of neon pink silkworms. loooool.)

Yep. And this turned out to be longer than I expected. Yessssss

Happy First Sunday of Advent!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I'm trying not to feel too depressed that I won't get to see awesome people this weekend. See how many socks I could knit in 11 hours. Go and watch and listen to amazingly weird people.

*sniff* *cough* *sounds like a congested Rachel Ray/Miley Cyrus*

Next big thing coming?


I'm trying to think about that a lot (along with being with my family. just the 4 of us. for Thanksgiving) to help...lift the damp, and sneezy spirits.

Just a min ago. I browsed the Barns and Noble Christmas music section online while my mom did some flowers. We have the following list to get (seeing as we all have coupons and we're going there later today :-P)

Third Day
Yo-yo Ma (*bliss*)
MercyMe (I wasn't really expecting that I'd like them. I thought they were...a really rocky Christian band. Which didn't really appeal to me. The rocky part, not the Christian part, lol.)
BarlowGirl (BARLOWGIRL FTW!!!!)
and yes, David Archuletta...

I think I just killed his last name with my spelling. But I don't really care, cause he is uber creepy looking. He's ok...better than I expected. once again. But I mean, American Idol. Eh. People from there usually only have one or 2 songs that are awesome, and the rest are...well...horrible, lol. Mostly. singing skills there are pretty much close to 0, except the rare amazingly awesome singer that comes along.

ENOUGH RAMBLING. Sorry. it's gotten into a habit.

What are YOU listing to for Christmas? Any favorite albums? Anyone you just HAVE to listen to? Or anyone that you absolutely hate. Wait, don't answer the last one, lol

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #13 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

Rain. Beautiful. Glorious. Rain. Ooooh my goodness.

This. is our door. Half of it anyway. The window beside the door. Bask in it's glory. Woot. It's all wet. The pavement, I mean.

Rain in like a drought in Egypt. Wheee.

We get pretty big hunkin storms too. That storm (see picture) was amazingly awesome. Any storm with clouds *that* dark has to be amazingly awesome. Hmmmmhm.

I love the rain. It's raining right now. Life is awesome.

I <3 Rain!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #12 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

I'm thankful for a break-ish thing off of school.

The actual fact of our break, is that we do just geometry, writing, and all our online homerwork on Monday -Tuesday then we LEAVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (*cough* sorry.) But then thinking since we have a lot of online classes this year, that kinda pretty much takes up our time thing. The rest that is extremely important is writing. and geometry. Hm. So yeah. We have vocab (which I also really detest with a passion. I'm not against words of anything, but THIS BOOK IS EVIL.) and Greek....something else. Oh, and biology. Which isn't my favorite. friends will agree with that whenever anyone mentions any kind of injury....or like shots, or anything that hurts/goes in your body. It makes whatever part was hurt/stuck, of my own, feel funny.

"Hmmhm. I was sleeping? And like this scorpion came and like stung my upper lip..."
me: " >.< my..whole face feels funny...."

And yes. I do have a friend who this did happen to her. I didn't know her when it happened. But yeah. Talk about painful?

What was I talking about?

OH. right. thankfulness. lol. Sorrrrry.

So yeah. could be doing this.

Yep. So. Hmmhm. Yeah.

I <3 break-ish things!! Even though I STILL have to do geometry, lol. I'll live....just barely.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #11 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

I am thankful for....candles.

Especially ones that smell good...

I think it was last month....we went out to do a couple of errands. And stopped into this place...that had all this old stuff. But it was cool. Majorly cool. The main reason why we went into this place (Anne's) was that they had a big selection, and a sale, on Yankee Candles. I got to pick out a big one. And....a lot of little ones.

My big one. I luuuuurved. It was Whipped Cream. Which you might imagine to be waaaay too sweet. But it wasn't. It was really nice. That's now gone...:-(. Alas. So, last night I got one of the small ones that I picked out called "Oatmeal Cookie" WHICH I LOVE. almost as much as Whipped Cream.

So yeah.

I <3 Candles!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #10 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today.

Wow. Is it really....only 4 more days? This thankfulness dealibopper made it go faster, lol.

Um. Not to be obsessed with anything or anything. But. I have to be thankful for something today.

Caaaan anyone guesssss? (I know Haley would, lol. )

It's. NORO. I'm thankful for Noro today. But especially. Noro Sock Yarn. I lovey this stuff. For this. I shall quote one of the workers from Yarns 2 Ewe on her opinion of Noro.

I LOVE Noro! It keeps me occupied. I'm always like OOOO it's BLUE. and then OOOO it's red! Yeah. Noro keeps me out of trouble, haha

I think her name was Kate. Or Katie. Or something like that. Some form or Kate.

Got a lot of it. Cause, of THANKGIVING. OH MY GOODNESS. OOOOOOOOH MY GOODNESS. And I get to see some EXTREMELY AMAZING PEOPLE. OOOOOH MY GOODNESS. and yes. And we're driving. As you can imagine, the car ride from Houston (which is almost on the gulf) to Tulsa OK, then Topeka KS, then PONCA CITY, OKLAHOMA!!!! It's around 11 hours to Tulsa. 3-4 ish hours to Topeka from Tulsa. Then....that and may be plus a little more for Ponca from Topeka. The major good thing (besides that I have TONS OF SOCK YARN. WHEEEEEE!!) is that we'll be taking our new car. So. it'll be comfy. We'll have 2 DVD players that..Joey and I can watch separate things on...(they're kinda attached to the head rests of the front seats.) Um. and yeah. Oh, and Katie will be with us! We're picking her up in Dallas. On Wednesday. Around lunch :-D I'm UBER UBER UBER UBER EXCITED.

So yeah. That's me speel...about not really Noro Sock yarn..but mostly about our travel plans...whoops, lol. sorry.

I <3 Noro Sock Yarn! (especially uber colorful kind :-D)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #9 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

My cat. He's pretty famous. You most likely know his name. Because, someone who I will not mention, loves to call him obese (and that kinda gave it away, lol.) And...yeah. He's mentioned in Latin, in Logic, at church, with friends, at prayer group...and just with the family. But that doesn't really count to be listed because the whole family already knows *someone's* perspective on Bertie, lol.

And yes. One of those pictures is NOT of Bertie. But of Jeeves. But today can also be thankful for cats in general. But for Bertie, lol. And see? His raccoon! EDDY. Not...whatever. lol. But yes. This is prof that he does sometimes sleep with it. and other times Joey is throwing it around and Bertie tries, and fails, to catch it and eat it.

He makes me happy, makes me sad. Makes me annoyed/angry. Wakes me up when I REALLY don't want to get up. Spills water everywhere. Loves anything I touch. Likes to eat/drink the following. Pizza. Any diary product (and no, no matter what you think about cats and milk, it's horrible for them.) gatorade. Dr.Pepper. Any bread product. contact solution. (yes, this is true.) and root beer.

I still love him anyway. When he was just brought home from the humane society. He could sit in my two hands. He couldn't see me, cause his eyes were still closed. Covered in flees. (which I had to pick off of him...igh. Oh well, totally worth it :-D) and the list goes on..

And now, he thinks I'm his mother...type figure. And I love it :-)

I <3 my baby angel little boy...Bertie Wooster :-)
(and if you're wondering. Well, if you're not wondering too. His personality. Fits his name. Like perfectly. Just imagine Bertie Wooster, as in the dude. And then just imagine a cat. And that would be my cat :-P)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #8 - Out of 14

Who/what am I thankful for today?

I am thankful for crayons. And any form of color. Whether it just be "Oh look. Color." or "OOO COLOR." "Or, it's a colorful stick of wax that I can scrape across some piece of paper and make ART" (seriously...ever think about that..?)

(Got this from Google. Just so everyone knows. Btw, Google Images ROCKS. Heeee)

Crayons. Color...of any form. Is so wonderful.

A) It shows everything that God has so intricately created in such an amazing way, it's just uncomprehendable.

B) It shows emotion...the little that we can through color. Yet it still does it in such an amazing way.

C) it's fun to create anything with color. An outfit, next knitting project, pen color, personalizing your computer...whatever you can think of. A lot of it includes color in it.

Everyone has their preferences. I know *many many* girls who detest the color pink. Hate to see it...especially on them. Hate to say it. hmmmhm. Another weird thing is that I know a lot of guys who like pink. Which is actually kind of creepy....

I..really don't have a hated color. Color. is color. Pure awesomeness. Like the Phantom. Or the Ponca People (yes, this is a title that *uber special* people have.) Or thunderstorms. Or a good book. Or anything that's amazingly awesome to you.

Look around you. See ALL that color? Nothing cannot be without a color. Color. is awesome. end of story.

What's your favorite color...?

This. is a sign of a well-loved crayon box.

And if anyone is wondering. Yes, I still to love to matter who childish the coloring book may be....and yes, I am 16. (almost 17...which is a scary thought. so we won't go there.)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #7 - Out of 14

Who/What am I thankful for today?

All my teachers...every single one of them. But to be specific right now, mesa ballet teacher. Also known as Miss Sunny. (Don't ask me why we call her "miss", she is married. For some reason....everyone over the age of 12 or something is referred to as "Miss What'sherbucket".)

Talk about an influence on my life? Miss Sunny, I mean. Not being called "Miss Grace" all the time, lol. She's one of the sweetest people I know. Oooh my goodness. I can't understand how *anyone* can not like her, disobey her (someone did in class today...I felt horrible about it even though it wasn't me..heh heh.) or be disrespectful to her. (see disobey).

Without her...I wouldn't be able to do the splits today. I wouldn't be on pointe. I wouldn't be perusing my dream of dancing of some sort later in life.

Now, I can do those things. And more. Like learn dances from....Copellia. and Sleeping Beauty. Who would have thought?

My first class. I went. Knew absolutely nothing....all the steps they were doing. I felt like the huge ugly duckling in class. Miss Sunny was uber uber nice. The class ended. I got in the car. Burst into tears. And being asked why in the world I was crying. I responded "They were so nice!"

Wouldn't be able to do that either. Nope. 2 and 1/2-3ish years ago, I would have scoffed...180 degrees? Me? You're insane. But I did it!

All to Miss Sunny.

I <3 Miss Sunny!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #6 - Out of 14

Who/What am I thankful for today?

Joseph Alan Sapp.

Otherwise known as my brother, my little brother, my little brother-who-is-now-much-taller-than-I-am, Joey, you weenie, and many other names.

Seriously. I dunno WHERE IN THE WORLD I would be without Joey. The weenie person. And my little brother who happens to be taller than I am (see pictures) (The picture where it looks like I am expressing some...pain of some sort. Joey had just bit my arm. but moved fast enough to get out of the

He makes me laugh every SECOND of the day. With whatever song/rap/face/joke/voice/whatever/anything you can think of....that he's come up with. Oooh my goodness. I have cried so hard...while laughing of course, because of Joey. Oooooh my goodness.

This evening. While washing the dishes. Joey touched me with a spoon that had chicken soup on it. A little got on my arm. And he therefore started creating this rap-ish song about how there was chicken on my arm. There was chicken on my face. There was chicken EVERY PLACE. There was chicken in my ear. Chicken in my sock. Chicken on my arm...

and it kinda was repetitive.

But seriously. Take time to think about your little brothers. Or big brothers. Or sisters for that matter...I guess.

Do they not make you laugh or WHAT.

We know one another's faults, virtues, catastrophes, mortifications, triumphs, rivalries, desires, and how long we can each hang by our hands to a bar. We have been banded together under pack codes and tribal laws.

~Rose Macaulay

Whoever that is...she was right. Oooh yes.

I <3 JOEY!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #5 - Out of 14

What/who am I thankful for today?


Seriously. Think about it. Where would we be....without tea (or any caffeinated drink, for that matter.)? I dunno about you guys , but it kinda keeps me alive.

I was drinking And was trying to think of something special that I was thankful for. And. Light bulb moment! tea!

Right now, as I speak...type...whatever, I am having vanilla carmel tea. It's totally the bomb. It rocks my feet. It makes me stay up late. And when with friends, and late at night, it makes things oh-so awesome! *takes another sip*

I like herbal tea...(especially peach! always reminds me of roast beef. Yes. I am serious. Yes, you can laugh.) I like black tea (like the one I'm having now) I like...well. I guess those are the only ones that I've had. Main kinds, anyway. The different kinds in those general sections are....bigger. lol.

I <3 tea!

P.S This is not to say I do not like hot chocolate, coffee, and any other hot drink like this. I love hot chocolate, and coffee (but...only if it's from Starbucks, lol.) and...yeah. :-)

DUDE. Thanksgiving is coming up FAST. Soon. Just think. I'll be in Tulsa. Eating. Then...Topeka. With family. THEN. GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AAAAAAh.

I'll leave you hanging. And I'll let you guess :-)

Where am I going after Topeka? (*hint* It's in...OKLAHOMA. *squeals*)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #4

Who/What am I thankful for today?

Since I am limited on time, I shall post short. Which shall (hopefully) be a nice breather from that last post..heh heh.

I am thankful for time.

Pretty much awesome. That picture.

Time holds....everything. To put things....that are like...shallow. not getting into the *real* *philosophical* meaning...of what holds everything. Just in general. Time holds a lot of stuff. it holds our lives. It can kill us (lol.) it can bless us. It can shower upon us with abundance. Or slap us in the face laughing that we either a) did not finish that Latin/GB/Logic/Music History in time and you are SO going to get into trouble. b) You didn't get the time to read that book you want to read, or put that new album on your iPod. or c) it's mean like that.

This is one reason why I like weekends. It has the flexibility to be open about this. It can be majorly squished (experienced this.) or it can be totally empty and you get to the point where you wish you had school to do. Or it could be a happy medium.

And that. Seeing as my time was squished this evening. Was my squished, and thankful blog post.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #3

What/who am I thankful for today?

(I love this. This was brilliant...whoever came up with this!)

I am thankful for BOOKS.

I am thankful for books because..there are tons and tons of reasons. We could get all historical and go back to Plato, Cicero, Cato, and the like and say that because it's teaching us about our ancestors and how they goofed up and how we can avoid what they did.

Obviously, I have been reading a lot of Great Books recently. Lol.

Anyway. Also, they can drag you (kicking and screaming maybe, depends on how much you like what you're reading) into that world (if it's well written). It *ALMOST* replaces friends. It's always there...not to listen, but to talk. Tell you about *their*...(which that doesn't really make sense, cause a book doesn't have a "their"...IT'S. That's it.) *it's* problems. And makes you forget about the ones of your own. There are ones that are instructional (*hint* *hint* can anyone see where I'm going with this? lol. If you know me well..) LIKE KNITTING BOOKS. Yes, knitting books. Motivational books...with big fancy color pictures...(I could go into detail about this one journal of this girl who was 15, and got accepted in tour in Carmen with the Russian Ballet Company...or some place like that. But that would bore peoples. So I won't. But the PICTURES WHERE HUGE. AND COLORFUL. AND AMAZING. and majorly motivational, lol.)

Instead of listing all the books that are my favorite (that's impossible...really. Anyone who asks that question is seriously insane.) I shall list the books that I can think of (which means, just because I don't list one...does NOT mean I a) hate it, b) dislike it, c)....or yeah.) which mean something to me. And if I have a reason (and if it's relatively short) I shall state it.

Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield.
~My copy. Is awesome. It looks like a book that you'd expect to find in some old British nursery. Plus, it smells awesome. It was Katie's..(I think...which is prob why it looks like it should be in a British nursery. It prob came from England.) and it was passed down to me..when I was itty bitty. And, loved it. It seriously, is like one of the greatest stories EVER. If you want to do that kind of the book. Which is kinda self-explanatory...I mean "Ballet Shoes." Is...obviously about ballet. and shoes. Oooh yes. Brilliant

Emily of New Moon, Emily Climbs, and Emily's Quest: all by L.M. Montgomery
~ I. seriously. love. these. books. so. hunkin. much. I'm not sure why I'm so attached to them. I just am. When I first picked up Emily of New Moon, I found it at the library...(it was right across from the Nancy Drew, *now misses the Ponca City library...that place smelled AWESOME.) *ahem* and seeing it was L.M. Montgomery, immediatly thought "OH. It has to be good." (Seriously, that lady was a GENIUS. I'll get into that later.) And, at the was when my grandmother was getting worse and worse, and then passed away. So, I was reading these books while that was going on...and somehow. I just found that these really like...comforted me, in some way. It was majorly easy to get into, which was what I needed. And Emily was just really....connectable. Which shows how AMAZINGLY AWESOME L.M. Montgomery is. If someone can do that. They are officially foreverly awesome.

Stargirl, and Love, Stargirl: both by Jerry Spinelli
~ Everyone knows my stance on these books. And I shall leave it at that.

the Crown Duel, and Court Duel (later made into one book) Crown Duel: by Sherwood Smith
~ I just realized how...deep and philosophical I'm a really dorky way. These are just books. But. Oh well. It's ok laugh. Um, this book. Was AWESOME. It was kinda weird at times. But it was realllllly sweet. It had major tense times. and major crying times. I read this a day and 1/2. My parents took those days to start on looking for a new car, and left Joey and I at home because A) I had an uber bad cold, and there was no way I was going to be hanging around with car sales-people in one car....the whole day. and B) it'd be kinda boring for us...seeing as it was just getting started, and the selection was majorly broad. So, I picked up this book. I had gotten it awhile back...started it, didn't really interest me at the time, so I kinda stopped it. Later, picked up again...and could not put it down. It's sooo awesome

The Phantom of the Opera
~ O.O. Ok. well. I could get majorly into this. and that'd be bad. So. Um. *see Stargirl* just to put it simply. I LOVE THIS BOOK.

And. that's all I can think of.

OH. SMOG. and Little Owl. *goes to google it to find a picture*

Ok. that's just SAD. I could not find Smog. or Little Owl. *pout* That stinks. Uberly. Anyway. Smog, and Little Owl are both British children's books. (grew up on a lot of that, lol.) Smog, is this black tabby...who got into a bunch of trouble. It was my favorite. I loved his Christmas book. And Little Owl. as you can imagine, was about a little. Owl. Kinda like Little Bear. Wow, memory lane there. Anyway. And little owl had a family. And...I think, he either had a pink little baby sister. Or a pink bear that he had. One or the other. And I always wanted the pink thing...cause the way it was looked so soft. And squishy. Also, the oatmeal (which they always called porridge) looked amazingly appitizing. Which always disappointed me in real never tasted quite what I imagined it to be

The Naming - Alison Croggon

Currently what I'm reading right now. I saw it at the library. Read the back of it. Said that people thought it was like LOTR. So, I checked it out. Started it, didn't interest me. Brought it back. 4 months later....went to Barns and Noble, saw it..was interested, and got it. Started it, loved it, got busy...and stopped. (So, last night, I started at the beginning again.) It has weird parts in it (Like the Crown Duel) but it's awesome. it's fantasy, one of my favorites. And yeah. The stuff at the beginning, where you learn about all the things that these people ("the Bards") can do, it's almost like...they can do everything. Why do they have any problems. You know how like..when we were (or when I was younger...and all the Providence girls wrote stories every Sunday, lol.) and we always wrote the main character with like nothing wrong with her, she could do anything and everything. It seemed that way in the beginning...which isn't my favorite thing. But you get used to it. There are 4 books in this series, The Pellinor Series. The Naming, The Riddle, The Crow, and The Singing..It think. The last one came out recently, and I haven't seen it yet.

And that. is a picture of it.

And THAT. is what I am thankful for. Wow, long post. lol. All about books. Woot.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Thankfullness #2

Daaaay 2. Ishness.

Who/what am I thankful for today?

Myyyy friends.

Now, I've written like at least 2 posts like this...but hey, it's a good reason. er, good thing to write about.

My friends are the awesomeness. Most awesomeness in the WHOLE WORLD. They make me laugh. Make me cry (but only because a) I've been laughing SO EXTREMELY hard. or b) I miss them or c) I love them so much.) They make me....laugh about the stupid things I've done. They listen to my ramblings about absolutely nothing in particular (especially knitting...heh heh.) They laugh at my faces. They laugh at my jokes...or when I'm not trying to be funny, they laugh anyway. They pull me up when I'm down. They never push me down when I'm in...well. Yeah.

I'd post a picture. I'll try and get a picture of something of the general idea. But I sadly, do not have a picture of all of my friends all together. Cause...not all of you know everyone. And, don't want to forget anyone :-)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

*Joins Haley and Kaley*

If you people don't know (if not, you can look on their blogs...) but I'll explain anyway. Posting every day (er....trying to...heh heh.) about something that I'm thankful for...leading up to Thanksgiving. So two weeks...ish.

Seeing that this IS Thursday, and ........I'll be off


I think I'm on...track ishness. kinda. Oh well. If I come out wrong, oh well. I tried.

What am I thankful for today...the list is practically endless.

I am thankful, ever so thankful for my mom. (and my dad of course :-)

She's the bestest. She helps me with all my school (*cough* geometry *cough*) sticks with it when Great Books paper (or any paper for that matter..) writing either gets uber confusing or just plain tough. She helps me get through tricky bits in knitting projects. She always did my hair in the morning when I was younger. She drives me to ballet twice a week, giving up time she had to be doing something else. And piano to. Takes care of me when I get doing my dusting. She puts up with once in a while watching the most recent Disney "big hit"...and we laugh at the stupidness of it all. She and my dad learned the Posties so they could do it with the rest of the people instead of having to be with the older people. She supports my idea about dancing, playing the piano, and playing the piano for church..

I <3>

Friday, October 30, 2009

I would just like to say....

...that when you search Google for "layered side bangs hairstyles"

It is just plain wrong for pictures of Zac Efron to come up. That's just majorly wrong. What is with guy's hair styles these days? It's insane. Plus, his bangs ( really creepy to say.) weren't on the *side*. But yes. I found this amusing and wrong.

I'm not sure why I'm looking.... For hair pictures, I mean. It's fun. And that way, when it's time to get another cut, I'll be all prepared.

And that's all I wanted to say.

I love cold weather....yesssssss

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wasn't feeling so great after lunch today. So, after school was over I took a nap. A very looong nap. I wasn't really expecting to take a nap. But my dad came home early or something, so I went down into my parents and laid on their bed. And...I just kinda feel asleep. I dreamed a dream. Again. A very strange dream. But I didn't listen to Les Miserables, so maybe that's not the problem, lol. Maybe it's the weather. But anyway. I dreamed I was in SAB (School of American's uber cool.) and I was doing pointe work at the barre. And some teacher (I have no idea who it was...) and he/she said I was so amazingly awesome! Because of my stuffed animal collection.

One thing I'm why do stuffed animals keep coming up? This is strange.

Anyway. Now I'm sitting here on a couch. Bertie's perched next to my head. I'm watching Singing in the Rain...for the 13 bajillionth time. Which is fitting...seeing as it's raining.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with my voice?! What am I, dumb eh somethin'?!"
~ Lena Lamont.


"Hey Coz, call me a cab!" "'re a cab!"

This is relatively cheesy, but oh well.

Friday, October 23, 2009

"I dreeeeeamed a dreammmm"

No matter what, this song will allllways remind me of Susan Boyle. Yep. Hmmmhm

and yes. I am currently listing to Josh Groban sing "I'll be Home for Christmas" I officially love both Josh Groban and Christmas. Especially when they're put together :-)

Anyway, going back to the title. No, I've never seen the musical/movie. No, I haven't heard the whole story. Buuuut, I had another weird dream last night. I shall now relate....

For Thanksgiving. I think we're going to my uncle and aunt's. All my aunt's family is going to be there. Most of my family (Meaning, my uncle's) will be there. Plus some people who aren't related at all. If you know me at all....or a little bit...or a lot...(meaning like we've played Twister EVERYTHING is ok then, lol.) THIS IS LIKE. MAJORLY EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that was needed. Hmmmhm, I am just like that...I needed every single on of those exclamation points :-) Last year, we did the same thing. And mom had this brilliant to get this shirt that we saw at Old Navy, that had a turkey on the front and said "Happy Thanksgiving 2009!" then have everyone sign Thanksgiving. Which, was maaajor fun. Cause for one, I got this awesome shirt, with tons of signatures. and I got to know a lot of people that I had no idea existed before. No one my age...all older people, but that was fun.

ANYWAY. THIS WAS NOT MY DREAM. Because that's not weird...and we do that. So yeah

NOW I'll tell my dream

We were at my uncle's house. And everyone was there. And everyone was having fun and talking. And I was told I couldn't be with anyone. And that I had to renovate their bathrooms. With this neon yellow, black, and blue tile.

And yes. Um. My only solution WHY I dreamt this....was because I listened to Les Miserables right before bed....again. lol.

Anyway. Must dash. Tea time calls :-) And we're talking half day and going to Barns and Noble.

I MUST GET THE NEXT MYSTERIOUS BENEDICT SOCIETY BOOK! Or else. I'll be sad. Oh, and coffee. Starbucks...that's also important.

So, yes, must go :-) Tooooodley pips!

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Thiiiink of me..think of me Foooondly!"

Ok. So...last night? I dreamed I was Christine (as in from POTO). But first, there was a huge this huge warehouse...that people picked out little stuffed animals..and they had to act like them, while whoever was it went around, watched everyone's acting, then choose the winner, who then got to be it. For some reason, I was obsessed with picking out little duckies. I'm serious. Then after I was done with the last round, I went and was in some version of the Phantom.

For some reason, I'm thinking it had something to do with Les Miserables. Because right before I fell asleep, I was listening to that. Hm.

I was so not ready for the weekend to be over. But I a way. I
wanted something constructive to do...instead of like sitting there knitting and like watching a movie. So, more like..working on papers. But I did not want to wake up early and be greeted by that cursed geometry book, staring in my face laughing it's silly little head off. Yeah, didn't want that to happen.

Plus, I cut my finger. Fingers, pardon me. Cutting apples, with that ub
er cool apple cutter thing? That you press on the apple...and it cuts it into slices. Well, not only did I have to practically jump multiple times to get the silly thing to act
ually cut through the apple, when I was trying to get the now cut apple out...I decided that the way of pressing your fingers on the bottom, and then go up...which would mean touching the razor sharpness of the thing. I'm so brilliant. My mom said be careful. I wasn't. Always. always always listen to your mother. It may spare you bleeding fingers.

But Haley came over! On...Saturday! She touched my hair. And I was shocked. As you can see, lol.

We had major fun.

Like....drinking sun beams. We so awesome. Cheeeck yes!

Now, I'll leave. To work on my GB paper...and music paper. And writing in general.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Night tiiiime shaaaarpens. Heightens each sensation....!"

Seriously..Where would we be without NORO!????! lol. Sadly, all the pictures with stuff, with words....are backwards. Obviously. But I'm guessing all of you could read that...even though it is backwards. This is the most awesome knitting book ever. It's like, this lady who wrote all this stuff about Mr. Noro. (yes, there REALLY is a guy named Noro. It's not just some random name someone came up with, lol.) Mr. Noro, is like 80 something. And keeps in good shape by walking one hour every morning and evening. I think his son is going to take over it or something...sometime...whenever that is.

Almost done with my Noro project. Woot! Got...well, heh. Um, several projects. But not all of them are for me...One is a Christmas present for Katie. then there was some more sock yarn, which I'm going to make a barret out of. Tecnically, I'm going to make *2* but with different yarn. We got some other sock yarn there last time we went, and it needed to be wound. And, yeah. Can't knit with anything that's not wound. It...just won't work. Period. Then, got some yarn for....*drum roll please* Claptois!! Yes, I AM making it again. No, it's not the same kind of yarn. Yes,....(dude. Just looked at the line up of that side of the paragraph...or in this text box anway, it's like yarn, yeah, yarn, yarn. lol.) Anyway. So yes, it IS a different color...theme...thing.'s going to be lacy :-D. And yeah....I think that's it.

I love listening to books. I got Les I started that. it's...57 hours? Hmmmh, yeah, it is. I also have the Phantom of the Opera. And the dude who reads it, is awesome.

and now. I'll leave. So bye!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ballet today. Woot!

Thursday. = pointe/advanced. *fist pump*

One thing. That was so awesome. Major exciting. Lol. To me, anyways. Everyon
e else can just sit back...and be...bored. But I haaave to tell.

During the center floor, we did these awesome combinations. And like this week it was much easier to get them, and them fast...along with Miss Wendy (who, is my teacher's daughter, just btw. Who also teaches. But in this class, she takes as a warm up for her teaching classes. But she also gives us it's kinda like having double teacher. at once. Crazy stuff.) anyway. she ALWAYS goes really fast. Cause...she just likes that. Usually, it's really rare if people in my studio can keep up with her with the beginning of a combination. But...I did this week! Major happiness! It was like...nevermind. I won't bother with the french spelling. Plus, some of you peoples wouldn't understand most if it anyway, lol. Anyway, there were a lot of turns in it. Gotten a lot better at those. During first year there. I
was HORRIBLE. at...pretty much everything. especially turns. I mean, I couldn't even get sahsays. (it's kinda like a skip, but a tad more complicated.) (and...I don't think that's how you spell that, lol. )which are super super super easy. So yes. I was so happy about that. WHEE!!!!

Second thing. Wasn't so great. Got an ingrown toenail, which is....ahem, painful in pointe shoes. Ooowhoow. But it eventually goes numb, so it's all good. We did a lot of sou-sous (which is like...suddenly sliding your feet together in...5th, on relave. Uh, on your toes. Did a lot of those both feet. Then, the ones I don't like so much are sou-sous en kouppe. (prob butchered that spelling.) which means. the same thing as a sou-sous, but instead of both feet..just one. Which also means that your one foot has to move in a little, even's supporting if it moves too much your toast. Major toast. Like, fallin'-over-on-your-face-flat toast. Oh, kouppe is like, with your foot, pointed. at the ankle. Thankfully, got through falling.


Yep. Just thought I'd share. Cause, it was so amazingly awesome.

Gotta love pigtails :-)
I.....shall leave you now. Toodles!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Ok. I don't mean to like...overload you...with anything or anything.

But. Seriously. I LOVE MY CAT. Beyond like...beyondness.

I ...get the kitty-kitties. What is that, you may ask? I....just can't stand my cat's adorableness, and I think he's just so cute and get that feeling like I-think-I-could-squeeze-your-little-eyeballs-out-I-love-you-so-much!! with Bertie. And yeah. I don't...actually do that..btw. But I do squeeze him pretty hard, lol.

Dancing with him. He's my parrot sometimes. But, he doesn't always like he growls a lot. He's growling a lot in thie video, but you can't really hear him since of the music. But, I'm telling you, he really does growl...a lot. Fine, don't believe me. Be that way....hmph, lol.

Music: Owl City (WOOT!!!!!) Don't remember the was one that I wasn't so familiar with. I think it was Early Birdie, or something. From "Maybe I'm Dreaming". Care to look it up, see if I'm right, or I'm delusional.

Bertie's first entrance into video. He'll be famous one day. Just you wait, lol. Just like Benji, or...Homeward Bound. Or any other pet movie. Woot. He'll go platinum! Except, that's for music, and cds and such. Epic fail.

Anyway, enjoy.

Also, main...wordy (not that this isn't wordy...that one just doesn't have a video) blog post of the day (10-7-09) is below. Scroooool down. And comment. Please :-) Thank you :-)

It needs something...

...something. Even though it might be tiny. Uuuhmmm.

Finished that vest thing. Got buttons...sunflower buttons! I took a picture. In fact..I think...since I'm on this uber super computer...I can just get that picture so very easily (without lag, that's
the main thing. Woot!) from my Photobooth.

(Oooh my goodness. Osborn...just DIED. In Wives and Daughters. It's normal. He had a bug...crawling across...his face! EW. What I don't that he closes his coat...right before he dies. ...?)

So, yes. the vest. Here it goes. let's see if I can figure this out.

Ahhh, WIN! I DID IT. Woooot.

Anyway. Those...I just realized it changed the format of the text. That. is fail. *sigh*

So. Sunflower buttons Woot. Gotta love 'em!

So. yes. Um. I have another knitting project. It's. NORO. You know what that means?!?! WOODY YARN! Where would we be without that?! Seriously...I have no idea how many times I have been little pieces of wood. And for those who have never knit, and never will, Noro yarn, obviously. And. It' wood in it. Seriously. No kidding. It's woven into the wool. And seriously hurts if it pokes you. And it will spear your finger, or hand...or even your arm, if you don't get it out soon enough...and so when it's all sewn together, and it's actually a sweater, or pokes you. While you're like singing in church or something. Not good. And also by then, it's like...really in the yarn and sweater/whatever. So, it's harder to get out than when it's just a strand of yarn. *shuts up about Noro before everyone dies. Meaning the non-knitters*

What's another picture I can post...oooo...this opens a world of possibilities.

Gotta love pop-art. And peace signs. Nope. Can't go wrong.

"I'll be out of my mind! And you'll be out of ideas pretty soon, so let's spend in this cold hot air balloon! Leave your jacket behind. We've knelt to touch the treetops. I can't wait to kiss the group wherever we touch back down!"


Not even if I sing the Numa Numa. Or. The Egg Song. Or, even songs from the Frog Prince! When that doesn't work? Things are baaaaaad.

Good thing I love the song :-)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Post. posting. Posssstting. Woot.

Um. Got sick yesterday. Flu = not fun. Thankfully, it's not as bad as I've gotten it before. So, that's good. Still sick today, not as bad as yesterday. But still not 100%. No piano or ballet tomorrow.:-(. Don't know about ballet on Thursday.

Got Lynn Hilary's cd (again, because out of the many times we've scrubbed my computer, it never gets on the place where we save things. >.<. Thankfully, it's on the cheap it's not on iTunes. Woot.) And, she's...just. Awesome. But, how could anyone from Celtic Woman *NOT* be awesome? Except Alex what's-her-name. She's not that great. 

Anyway, the cd has a great mix. Of fast songs, and slow songs. Great to go to sleep to.  speaking from experience, lol. 

Stayed in bed most of yesterday (but alas, had to math in the morning >.<) and finished listening to Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield. Another one of my absolute favorite authors, no matter what. I looooove that book. Just the setting..makes me want to do that. Like, live in England, and go to this Theater and Dance academy...then get parts in all the plays that come, and it's just so....yeah. 

But, yeah. Um. Yep. 

You know that person is a good author, feels real (of course) that you're there, and you then want to go an do those things yourself. Or whatever. That made no sense. 

Um. I like listening to books...I still like to read them, but I superly enjoy listening to them. It's great for knitting, lol. And laying in bed wishing everything would just go away. It's even better when the person narrating is just...awesome. or British. Like, the lady doing Ballet Shoes. Her very comforting's a good time for it, lol.

and. yeah. I'll leave this now. what do you prefer? The actual book, the audio, or it depends on your mood?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Me - The Church Pianist...

Writing the made me think. Usually, you think of pianists being..old ladies. Who...look like Miss Marple, and knit. For one, I'm not too terribly old, and 2, I don't look like Miss Marple. 

This was not my point in writing this post. 


You guys know...Grace Anne left to live in Idaho, and learn from Mr.Callihan, (along with a lot of other people I know...) so, I'm the next in line to have this wonderful job. 

One thing I did NOT know about being the church many embarrassing things you can just sitting there. Or walking up, but yeah. Just gotta be careful. 

For example. I was sitting there, getting ready to play a song...I start playing it. Apparently, I had the list wrong, and had started playing the wrong song. Our pastor came over to me and was like "Um, I think it's I To the Hills Will Lift Mine Eyes...". Of course, at this time, everyone was standing up, so everyone could see me. *bangs head on piano*

Another example. Once again, imagine this. I was *sitting*. Again. Our pastor was saying something, that was important. I decided (brilliant me) to get some music ready for the music during the offering. The book that I use, or used at the time, was rather heavy. And small. It was sitting on top of the piano. I pick it up. It slips from my hands. And hits a very very loud C. In the middle of whatever our pastor was talking about. Everyone was standing. again :-) *bangs head on piano*

One more example, but this time I was walking. This was when Grace Anne was still here, and I was playing 2 service pieces. I walk up. Get to the stairs. 2nd step. *thunk* Whoops, lost my shoe. Great. 

Yet, this is only my like...3rd month doing it. So, I'm sure many other things will happen that will be embarrassing, lol. 

But I'm realllly enjoying it. I get to play awesome songs, and Psalms. The rest of the congregation is really supportive of all my work, and are really nice....

And I must cut this short...for I am going to brawl with my dad :-)

I might continue later. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I shall call this...

...the cramming post. 

Why? Because I only have a limited amount of time between now, and when Latin starts again. 

But the main question is..what to cram about. 

My desktop has been having major problems. It's just...old. And slow. And old. And yeah. 

So, for the online classes, I resort to either my dad's computer, or my mom's wonderful Apple laptop. Right now, I'm on the laptop, seeing as my dad is home today, and is using his computer. I'm *really* enjoying the laptop, lol. it goes fast! So yes. 

I'm sitting on my bed. Window wide open. A wonderful breeze is blowing in that smells like rain. (It was pouring this morning...for a long time :-D) and Jeeves asleep at my feet. Oh, and a cup of tea :-) Plus, a pair of cozy socks. That completes the picture. 

Um. I finished listening to Fairest (Gail Carson Lavine) last night. Duuude, I love her books. Haven't read the newest one yet...anyone read it yet? The cool thing about the recording I found was that it was, it had a cast, and stuff. I forget what the company was called who did it. But since in the book, there's a bunch of singing, they did the singing too..and some dude wrote a ton of music for the words. And it was pretty much awesome. Didn't like the main singer girl, though. It was kinda weird. 

My list of books to read/re-read is growing larger every day. Though, I still haven't even finished the list I made for the summer. Baaaad. So, I have a long line of books, staring me in the face asking me why I haven't read them all yet. Some of them I really want to read. But when I *want* to read them, I don't have time. When I *do* have time, I don't. "Funny how that works out, aint it?" ~ I forget. 

I must go. Cramming post, complete. Woot. I feel successful. Back to Latin :-)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I be here. I shall repeat myself...

School takes up lives, and time. Seriously. But you know this already. But...I love stating the obvious.

Let's see. Ok. Well. To start off things...I know I haven't posted. In a while. Since the 8th. 13 days. *gasp* shame on me.

....There is a mower dude...driving along really the road...on his lawn mower. Um. That was random. Sorry, I'm sitting in my dad's office, which is like...facing the road, and has 2 windows, which the desk is set up against. Or...facing, I should say. It's not actually *leaning* on the windows...Um. Yeah.

Um, we went to go see the Terra Cotta Warriors....they were superly uberly cool! Duuude. It wasn't too terribly big of an exhibit, which was nice. I don't like it when the subject is super interesting, but it's so long that when you get tired, you stop paying attention. It was just the right amount. Anyway, in the last section, where there were actually *real* warriors, the main...looker-outer person, thinger..dude. Who..tells people about things. Was like, talking to us about the little...warrior thingers. And, he was telling us about how he thought that not all 9 (there were 9 there...I think) were from China...which you could tell by their faces., he started listing what he thought the other 3 were. Starting off with the one nearest us. ....

"This guy, well...he's built a lot like me. Tall. Lean... narrow face. Most likely from a tropical place."

Which made me wonder what tropical place he was from. Meaning, the talker, looker-outer person... Not the Warrior dude. Lol.

Another rather interesting/sad observation while were standing there, looking at these amazing 9 clay-type-thing dudes, a big group of public schoolers come in. They are the best thing to watch. Ever. It's super entertaining. Anyway, the 2 sad things I overheard were the following.

Girl 1: So...why aren't these horses *points at picture* here...?
Man from the Tropics: Because they're too fragile.
Girl 1: Ummm....*pause* Oh, so you mean they break easily?


Lady who was escorting the kids around who looked like she really didn't want to be there: Here, this guy right here...he's an *looks at sign* an archer.
Girl 6 (there were a ton of people there, lol.): .....
Girl 3: Ummmm...
Girl 8: What's that?

Plus, they totally like...kept cutting in front of us while we were looking. Oh well. It was still a pretty awesome exhibit.

I've taken some pictures of relatively random things. Which I kinda wanted to post *now*. But. This would mean having to plug in the card thing from the camera...which would make my computer go really slow. Which, isn't good. So...I'll try and have that ready for next time :-)

Um. Thhhhhe dance practice!!!! Woooooooooot!! There wasn't a ton of people. But the good thing that, this time (which this is extremely rare...except last time too...but I wasn't there.) More guys than girls. Which is like...amazing. Yeah. So. Um. Yep. the Psalm Sing went well. Played better than I expected. Instead of people just calling out numbers (like when Grace Anne was here) we just started going through the Cantus (our hymnal), I played a bunch of stuff that I hadn't played in awhile and/or I stunk at playing. But. those songs were needed, so I did them anyway. Oh well. I tried.

Now, I shall leave. And let you bask in the wonderfulness of my post. Or not. Most likely not :-).

"If we have entertained you just a little bit, then we have succeeded." ~ Anne Shirley

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Knit 1, school 2....

School claims lives and time. And many other things..which I can't think of, and aren't that important to me. I needed to post. So, here I am. posting

Yes, I joined the Epic Warfare ness and all. Or, I will be joining...I've joined, but haven't been accepted yet. But, I don't really want to write a poem *right now* Nope. And, not moving from my chair either. No matter what. 

Um. Oh, did I tell you that when in Dallas, for the bike ride, and after...that my mom and I realized that we had *never* been to a knitting store in Dallas before? Soooo...the day we headed up to Wichita Falls, we stopped in at the Shabby Sheep. Major Wootage!  That was 2nd favorite yarn stores. The people were majorly nice, and the selection was HUGE. it was like...knitter's heaven. (there are most likely other places that are more amazing, but I haven't experienced those places -yet- and so this is going to have to do for now. I'm being grateful.) And yeah. Went there and got....GUESS. what do I *always* get?


seriously. You can NEVER have too much sock yarn. It's awesome. Plus, you don't have to just make socks with it. There are other things you can make with sock yarn. And it's so adorable. Going to make knee socks with it. (*loves knee socks*) and. they had this vest type thing, as a store sample, and it was sooo cute. And, the best thing. (or the 1st best thing, there are 2 best things about this thing) the best thing is that it only takes *2* (count 'em *2*) skeins. Wooooot! Which is really nice. Cause, usually stuff that's like...bigger than a scarf takes a lot of yarn. And this yarn was cheap. And it's soft. And the color is beautiful. My mom ended up getting some yarn for it, so she's going to make it too. Mine is...this really pretty dark greeny-blue. With flecks of lighter blue and lighter green in it. (no wood. lol) My mom's is this relatively bright dark purple. Neither of us have something that we've made out of the colors we chose. So yes. it was a good choice. 

Writing: check. Greek: check. Biology: check. Vocab: check. Latin: check. Great Books(duos): check. Math...eeeeeh.: fine, check.

Actually, geometry is turning out better than I thought. But this is most likely because it's a) at the beginning of the book. b) the first chapter. and c) it has no numbers so far. 

mostly it's all logic. Which, is nice, cause Joey and I are taking logic...from Mr. Wells...and so we can kinda apply what we're learning...some what. Both ways. math to Mr. Wells, and visa versa. Woot.


DANCE. Saturday. the 19th. BE THERE.....

Or miss out great fun. 

Oh, there's also a Psalm Sing that day, and so...yeah. food, singing, fellowship, dancing there. THEN a real dance (practice. not a ball. just practice.)

So yeah. You better be there.'ll be sad you missed out on such fun dancing. Extremely. 

I'm now going to sit in my wonderful brown arm chair, no matter how degrading to my dignity...and knit. Woot. 

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Poem.

I wrote another poem. It was supposed to be for the warfare thinger. But the way it was planned...doesn't quite fit the way I wrote it. And...yeah. But maybe it is. Who knows. I'm not quite sure. So whatever. And yeah. Here it goes...

I was random. I was being funny. Or trying..anyway. Most likely failing. But yes. I tried.

Once there was a man named Plato
And when he was young he loved to play with Play-Dough
He liked to eat it too...
but his mother disaproved.

And there was another man. His name was Aristotle
And all his life, he loved to toddle

But one day. One fatal day.
When they thought all their problems were at bay.

DISASTER STRUCK! *everyone gasps*

When things started going amuck....

When a new kazoo player came to town
Joe Jonas.
The guru of Shih-Tzuz
He lived in a bayou
in a hut. Made of bamboo.
and corn.
Oodles and oodles of corn.

He loved to feast on baloney.
while driving a zamboni
Where he gave his testimony
about his longings...for a Shetland pony.

But along came Robin Hood.
And brought back Joe Jonas' second childhood.

When Maid Marion came along.
Joe forgot about his boyhood.
All he could think of was the Maid of Sherwood

She made him pudding.
Oodles and oodles of pudding.
Plum pudding
snow pudding
cottage pudding
Yorkshire pudding
and Indian pudding too.

All while she lectured him...
about the amazingness of do-gooding

"Why must I be a fan of Britain?" questioned Joe.
Even though he was smitten.
"Though...I do love the fur of a kitten."

Maid Marion sneezed...
for she was not at all pleased
"That must be immdidately unwritten!"

Then suddenly.

Natasha Beningfield...or something
popped up, and started belting out her Disney hit.

"Feel the rain on your skin! No one else can feel it for you.
No one else!
No one else!"

"Gosh! This is swell!" exclaimed Joe as the lady kept on singing

He saw a beautiful girl with the name of Giselle
out of Maid Marion's window.
And wanting some sport,
he bounded out with a great amount of
creme caramel.

"Fare thee well!" called Maid Marion.
"But watch out for that storm cell!"
"alright! The pudding was delicious! Thank you much!"
It was then Joe realized that he had eaten too much.

He ran, hearing Giselle's concert
When he fell down into the dirt.
And ruined his favorite Hawaiian shirt.
He cried in horror.
For also his pants, which were extremely skinny,
had gotten a stain
of a jade plant.
Once again, he screamed in horror.

He longed to be in El Salvador.
But Joe had lost sigh of the young lady with the pompadour.
Giselle, who had fled to Artesian-Wells
to learn Latin and Logic
From Mr. Wells.

Thinking of his close shave
Joe forgave Giselle
and let her go sing.
and learn latin.
And make dresses out of curtains.

When David Downs (the producer of Celtic Woman)
came out, and was appalled by Joe's horrible singing skillz.

So he decided to give Joe a couple of drillz.

But it failed. David's skillz were to no avail.
Joe still screeched. and howled.
David Downs scowled.
For Joe was being exactly like a screech owl.
David threw in the towel..and left.

Joe smiled really big when he left.
For he had cold feet. Clammy feet.
So Joe sat down, and ate a pile of sweet meats....

And...wanted some more. But there was none to be had.
So he was sad. So very sad.


Yes. I wrote that. Yes. It was stupid. No, I'm not crazy. At least, I hope not. And yes, I'm sorry if that scared you. Now. I shall go.

Say whatever you like about this poem. Doesn't matter to me. Lol.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Oreos. double stuffed oreos.

Ok. Riding home from Witchta Falls, Texas. Get to Dallas. Spend the night. Then ride home from Dallas, Texas to Houston, Texas. Where I can finally sleep on my own bed. With my own cat. With my own towels. My own carpet.

But, don't get me wrong. I love to travel. But I'm majorly happy when I get home again :-) totally where my cat is! Maybe not all the time, but hey. I'm a cat...person..thinger. whatever.

ANYWAYS. Ok, got some yarn in Fredericksburg, Texas, as you guys may recall. For KNEE SOCKS. Never done those before. noooow..I love them :-D. Knit one, on the way back to Houston, from Fredericksburg. So, 1 done, 1 to go. Didn't even start the next one till the trip to Witchta Falls...after spending one night in Dallas. Which was...Friday...morning? afternoon...something like that. Knit knit knit and knit. Knit some more. the leg part done, which...was as you can imagine pretty long. So, I was ready for the rest for the trip back, or any other spare moment I got. Turned the heel waiting for the rest of the fam to get back from their ride...didn't work on it on the way back to Dallas. Um. Then, on the way home, picked it up again, and got it finished before we reached the nearest Buckees :-D (if you don't know what that is...I'm extremely sorry for you..and you should go look it up. Seriously. It's like..the best rest stop EVAH. Just in my humble opinion. No, I'm not going to put...imho. That just looks weird. Plus, I can never remember what it means anyway, lol. )

SOOOOOOOOO. Finished my socks! My first ever, knee socks. WOOT. Now...what to do? Still got...3 hours and 1/2 to do stuff. So...I had to decide what to do next. Didn't really feel like hands were kinda like...getting...knitters cramp. if that makes sense. If you knit for awhile at a fast rate, you'll then know what I'm talking about, lol.

I had a stroke of BRILLIANCE. Oooooh yes I did. I decided to write. a poem. Type thing. That's epic epic MAJOR epic fail. But who cares. I tried. And I had fun. I laughed (inside my head) a lot when I wrote this. So yeah. Enjoy.

This is what I wrote in my notebook. If it doesn't make sense because I'm's's in a note book. Just...btw. Yeah.

The World of Inside Jokes.

Friends are forever
They are so very clever.

They make me laugh.
They make me sing
They make me want to give roller coasters a fling.

I could try to make this rhyme.
But it's not going to be worth a dime.
Oh well. I'll continue on anyway.

Whether it's official, or it's called Churchill...The Prime Minster of England! (hee hee)
Or it's Cockaleeky...while drinking tea!

Laughing when someone says I'm delightful. Or laughing at me when a cockroach attacks me.

Calling people "punk" is not at all funny...
even though we all still end up *grubbing*

(I totally fail at rhyming..
That talent is still...desiring...?
See. I told you.)

They snap pictures at *just* the right moment, Whether over the computer, or on a camera.
It goes on Facebook anyway. But I don't care, because it always reminds me of the most bestestest friends I have.

Though some of us disagree about things it still ends up in laughter.

We are part of a club where we might be weak outside, but inside we are strong. And true. We sell red roses with black ribbons too!

Talking pianos, pink or white. Doesn't matter. Just as long as it's talking. It gives great advice. Speaking from experience, lol.

Laughing hysterically about Elijah Wood's bad choices in kid shows. Why humiliate yourself by raising arms and legs with neon balls of fluff while singing? That just doesn't work for him. Ever.

Watching certain movies, and during a certain part screaming "NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!!" and scaring everyone around us.

Dreaming up music videos of either a strangely girly-looking guy, or singing orchestral music. Laughing at our attempts. We rock anyway.

Always asking *someone* to tell *someone* that they are cute but the first *someone* doesn't alyways convey the message. (I will totally take a year...or something)

Quizzing people about their knitting knowledge...wondering if they'll actually knit socks by the time I see them. I doubt it, but who knows. There's a first time for everything.

Apparently, one family "delights" in me. An Amoeba thinks I'm a star. It was written on my hand. in Sharpie. *gasp*

When a certain person and the term "prettay" are assoitated with each other, it gives me the uber uber creeps. *shiver* *cringe* bleeeech.

Laughing about my, recently learned knowledge about corn. And all it's pros. Joy. I'm totally interested in that. I could make a hat, hut, table, chairs, you name it...with corn. If I ever get lost in a corn field.

This has opened up a floodgate of inside jokes. Pardon me for rambling. My hand kinda hurts from writing all this.

Cupcake, hatstand, S*Q*uiggle, Churchill, Iggplant, Amoeba, Cranberry, Jell-o...uh..and any others I forgot. Gotta love those words.

YOU ARE SO RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be a Negative Nancy either. *pout*

I just saw an aqua school bus..? (seriously. I did. at that point. It was creepy.)

Anyway, hope this as amused you. But I thank God everyday for giving me the friends I have. Just to put it siomply.

You guys TOTALLY rock my feet COMPLETELY off. lol

No matter whether I've never actually seen your face in person, or I've known you since I was 8...or something..

Love you guys :-)
And I still stink at rhyming.
Must have been my bad timing...
or something :-) lol


The end.

And yes. Just. I'll shsh now. Cause I'm guessing you guys are tired of hearing me talk. And ramble. And be totally insane. But oh well. I tried :-)